When I was an atheist, I wanted Christians to show me tangible proof of God’s existence. Without proof, the Christian message lacked credibility.
While you and I can’t provide nonbelievers with proof that God exists, we can provide evidence. Deeds of mercy are tangible evidence that what we believe about God is true. No one has to take a “blind leap of faith.” We offer tangible love and then declare the intangible gospel so that people will see Christ. And then we trust the Holy Spirit, the only one who can persuade someone to believe, to give the gift of faith to the ones we serve.
So, here’s my question: are God’s people providing evidence of His existence to the world? When the world looks at us, do they discover a radical love that makes Christianity credible? Not often enough, I’m afraid. Christians are known for being against so many things these days. The world should know what we are for — peace and justice, the oppressed and downtrodden — as much as what we are against. We should be known for our servant position rather than our political position.
What evidence do you see? Where are God’s people making God’s love credible to hurting people?
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