…This Blog
TangibleTheology.com exists to provide practical suggestions for how to do holistic ministry, real-life examples of such ministry, and resources that you can use. Additional tools, lectures, and training materials used at Alexandria Presbyterian Church may be found at: alexandriapres.org/mercy
…Chris Sicks
Once an atheist who rejected many apologetic arguments, Chris Sicks now serves as Pastor of Mercy at Alexandria Presbyterian Church in Virginia. Previously he was a deacon and Director of Mercy Ministry at the church. He also has worked at a homeless shelter and drug recovery program in Washington, DC, and served as executive director of a mentoring and scholarship program for DC children.
He is a member of the Christian Community Development Association and Evangelicals for Social Action. He leads periodic workshops on mercy ministry for CCDA and the Presbyterian Church in America. Prior to his work in ministry, Chris was an editor and reporter for The Washington Times, a restaurant manager, and an Army officer.
To God be the glory for the good things He has done—and is doing…
We are putting together a “round table” of deacons for our presbytery, Eastern Carolina Presbytery, PCA, on the topic of mercy ministries. Tim Buck, one of the deacons I have been working with attended a seminar you did in VA last year(?) and he recommended I get in touch with you. I am looking for materials we can use to inspire deacons and pastors to do more in mercy ministry.
Bruce Wells,